Four Oranges in one branch by Birsen Ozbilge
Few days ago our landlord sent a bag of oranges, as soon as I saw these four gorgeous oranges (still attached to their branch), I spare them aside for a still-life object. Here it is the finished watercolor painting of "Four Oranges in one branch". This piece could look very nice as a kitchen decor (see pic below).
Kitchen decor suggestion
I first sketched this composition while there was a lovely morning light in our kitchen. (see pic below) Afterwards I prepared the painting table to work, wetting Strathamore 400 series heavy weight, cold press watercolor paper first (140 lb, 300 g/m2) and started to lay transparent coats of Winsor and Newton Cotman watercolor paints.
Sketching the oranges
Work in progress
Working for patiently lights and shadows of the orange and green tones, finally I finished and signed it with my logo initial
in black ink. The watercolor was pressed under heavy books overnight to get completely flat. It is now inside my old The Frick Collection Portfolio folder along with other artworks and waiting for its new home...

Here is what happened to these oranges. I saved the orange peel and made a marmalade, it came out great! It is very simple recipe but I did it with pressure pot if you don't have one I am not sure of cooking time.
6 orange skin chopped in tiny pieces
1 clementine sliced
1 glass of water
600-700 gr sugar
3 whole clove
1 tea spoon ginger powder
Put all the ingredients but no sugar yet to a pressure pot. Cook about 30 min after the vapor comes out. Wait the pressure goes first and open the pot add the sugar mixin well and cooking about 5 min. without covered the pot. It's ready. you can conserve in air tight jars up to 2 months in tour fridge. It comes out 4 small jar. I gave some to my landlord and to my mother in law. Enjoy it!
ready to put into jars. Not too liquid, perfect textured.
Homemade orange marmalade from organic fruit
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